Make it a memorable summer in Tāmaki Makaurau with OurAuckland
Planning your summer fun in the City of Sails is easy thanks to OurAuckland – the online news and events guide from Auckland Council.
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a memorable time in Tāmaki Makaurau either, with the stunning beaches, abundance of splash pads and pools, breathtaking walking trails to get your step count up, and plenty of creative and fun indoor things to do for that rainy summer’s day.
Check out the OurAuckland website for an up-to-date guide to what’s on and things to do around Auckland this summer.
Let’s protect our Hauraki Gulf

The Hauraki Gulf is a special place with its stunning coastlines, marine reserves, pristine beaches and native wildlife on islands. Pests and waste threaten this beautiful natural environment but there are small actions we can all take together to protect its wildlife, islands and waters. Find out more at ourauckland.nz/haurakigulf